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Dear friends, airmen, pilots, beautiful Human adventures’ fanatics, epicureans, humanists, dreamers, take time to read this story and to show that human solidarity still exists:


On a beautiful morning of the 2014 Whit Monday, Christian, as usual, took off aboard his Comet FK12, this beautiful “bird” he dreamed about for several years, and finally managed to afford by collecting the savings of his whole life.


As usual, he wanted to share his passion and gladly satisfy the demands of his friends. He invited someone to whom he let the pilot seat so that he could enjoy the greatness of such a flight….


His friends and wife, who were at the club on that day, watched him take off.


Right after takeoff, the aircraft showed signals of distress and crashed at the end of the runway after an engine shut down.


Our two airmen are miraculously still alive. The passenger escaped unharmed.


As for Christian, he is seriously injured. His face and legs are seriously burned. The passenger helped him leave the plane, just in time... He would otherwise have burned to death.


The Comet wasn't luckier and Christian witnessed its destruction by fire shortly after the crash… He also powerless witnessed the destruction of his dream.


He is aware that insurances will be of no help regarding the accident.


Today, Christian is recovering; his life sums up to round trips between the hospital and his home. He undergoes heavy and painful care and is awaiting a skin graft for his legs.


He often looks out the window at the sky and dreams to find his wings back.


His family and friends feel powerless in the face of this unfair situation and wish to help him, in particular because Christian has devoted himself to all of us for more than 25 years, as well as to aviation (mainly in associative circles).


Highly skilled instructor, experienced pilot, outstanding mechanic, he has always been helpful to people in difficulty, whether it be aeronautical or general problems.


Anyone who met Christian would praise the exceptional human qualities of this great man.


Fate is not grateful to him although he has been given that much for so long...


Time has come for us, Human beings, to show him that he can also receive and get our support.


This is why we created the association "Les Ailes de Christian" so that, depending on your means and your convictions, tall oaks from little acorns grow, you can participate in an act of collective generosity to give him his wings back!


Many thanks to all of you.

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© 2014 - Ass. "Les Ailes de Christian"

Forever more - Two Steps From Hell
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